Your Seed Partner Of Choice
About Us
FP Genetics is one of Canada’s largest privately owned seed developing and distribution companies focused primarily on cereals, pulses, and minor oilseeds. The company’s ownership consists of a strong network of over 170 licensed Seed Growers and farm operators.
As an industry leader with varieties grown across Canada, the USA, Europe, and Asia, we work hard to build positive business relationships and to be the preferred partner of seed growers, developers and distributors.
FP Genetics collaborates with a diverse group of public, private, foreign and domestic variety developers. We are the licensee of numerous seed varieties spanning a multitude of crop types and market classes, which are grown on over 40 million acres across Canada.
Production and Sales
Our more than 170 Shareholders form our primary seed production and retail partners, with access to farm customers in all major crop production zones in Canada.
FP Genetics works directly with food manufacturers and downstream value chain partners, developing the relationships needed to ensure our seed products meet the demands of consumers and end users. In partnership with our retail network, FP Genetics’ expert sales staff are continuously creating market awareness and customer demand for our industry-leading portfolio of seed varieties.
Research & Development
FP Genetics is a knowledgeable and active participant in Canada’s variety registration process, from cultivar selections, official evaluation trials and official variety registration with the Canada Food Inspection Agency.
Our experienced Research and Development staff, led by a recognized plant breeder, develops trialing programs focused on evaluating and selecting cultivars with commercial merit and end-use demand.
FP Genetics’ expertise provides the capability to conduct pre-registration trialing and distinctness trials and obtain PBR (Canada) and PVP (USA) intellectual property protections.
In addition, FP Genetics invests in many variety development programs to ensure a continuous stream of innovative genetics is available to our customers and consumers. The FP Genetics Research and Development team oversees breeder seed production and maintenance on licensed varieties across the country.
FP Genetics seeks reciprocal licensing opportunities, offering Canadian-bred varieties for distribution and sales to international partners and provide foreign seed developers with one-stop access to the Canadian seed market.
Our company is well-positioned to oversee Canadian variety registration, execute large-scale variety releases, as well as manage and administer end-use-driven identity-preserved programs.
FP Genetics understands the Canadian regulatory landscape and has the agronomic expertise to validate varieties best suited to the market.
Proud Partners