Short stature
Good standability
Resistance to BYDV
Early Maturity = Harvest Management Options
AAC Wesley combines good yield with earlier maturity, and reduced height. It is a NEW white hulled oat variety that yields 104% of Summit, has a maturity earlier than Summit by 4 days, and a short plant height that is equivalent to Summit. It has good lodging resistance, test weight, kernel size and plumps and thins. AAC Wesley has very high groat percentage, good beta-glucan and protein contents, and an oil level in the range acceptable to the milling industry. It is rated 'R' for BYDV.

- Good yield combined with early heading and earlier maturity
- Shortened height with good lodging resistance
- Very high groat percentage
Maturity: | +2 Days vs CS Camden |
Height: | -3.5 cm vs CS Camden |
Lodging Resistance: | Very Good (1.8) |
Crown Rust Rating: | MS |
Stem Rust Rating: | I |
Other Smuts Rating: | R |
BYDV Rating: | R |
Rating: |
AC Morgan, Riel, HiFi, Triactor

Wesley Robert McKeith
Wes volunteered for the Army in 1941 and went overseas in 1943. Assigned
to the 6th Armoured Regiment, his unit was deployed to Western Europe. On
April 13, 1945, near Apeldoorn, Holland, his tank was hit by an armour-piercing
shell, killing Wes and one of his crew. He is buried at the Holten Canadian War
Cemetery in Holland.