CDC Byer

Very high yielding

Very short, height similar to AC Summit

Excellent standability

NEW in 2026 - The Quality Oat
CDC Byer is a high β-glucan, low oil and moderate protein oat line that combines good groat percentage, good kernel weight, high plumps and very low thins. It shows very good yield potential, short height, very good lodging resistance and moderate maturity. CDC Byer also demonstrates moderate resistance to Crown Rust and resistance to smut with good resistance to BYDV.
  • Excellent milling qualities
  • High beta-glucan
  • High test weights
  • Very high groat percentage
Maturity: +3.4 Days vs CS Camden
Height: -1.5 cm vs CS Camden
Lodging Resistance: Very Good (1.7)
Crown Rust Rating: MR
Stem Rust Rating: S
Other Smuts Rating: R

FP Genetics Dealer Locations


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Colette Prefontaine

Mobile: 403-506-8110

West Sask /
South Alberta

Cordon Geisam
Mobile: 306-550-7583

East Sask

Collin Tanner

Mobile: 306-537-6040


Chad Yanchycki

Mobile: 204-871-3344

John and Lawrence Byer

John and Lawrence Byer

Both were born and raised on a farm northwest of Edmonton, Alberta near the communities of Morinville and Mearns. Lawrence was a sergeant with the Tank Corps, 3rd Division, landing with them on D-Day, and John was a corporal with the Supply Corps, 4th Division, involved in the liberation of Holland.