AAC Synergy

Sets the yield standard Highest acreage malt in W. Canada Strong market demand A Great Combination of Malt and Agronomics AAC Synergy is the yield standard for two row malt barley in Western Canada. It offers a favourable quality profile that includes relatively low...

CDC Copper

Short straw and good standability Early maturing A Medal Winner When Grown for Malt or Feed CDC Copper is a two row rough awned barley with a strong leaf disease resistance package, short straw and good standability. This dual purpose barley has yields that rival...

SY Stanza

Non-GN variety Short plant height Superior standability Superior Agronomics to All Other Canadian non-GN lines SY Stanza is a promising two-row hulled malting barley line that is widely adapted to western Canada. It is a non-GN (glycosidic nitrile) line with potential...

AB Hague

High grain yield Good DM yield for forage similar to CDC Cowboy Strong disease resistance package Bred for Beef AB Hague is a top-yielding feed and forage variety developed by the Field Crop Development Centre, Olds College. Averaging 106% of CDC Austenson, with an...


Short straw Excellent standability Great harvestability and straw management Short Straw with High Yield Sirish is a European two row barley with very good yield potential, very short plant height and excellent standability. It is a low protein variety with a unique...